

Spotify launches its artist “Wrapped" cards this morning chock full of personalized data and stats such as the answer to "how much sleep did listeners lose checking out a particular artist?"

Via Spotify for Artists, acts can learn stats such as total fan hours streamed; highest number of fan streams per hour; Increases in followers, total listeners, new listeners, streams, and playlist adds; number of hours fans streamed between 1am-6am (i.e. amount of sleep fans lost listening); and other numbers.

"Our goal is to give artists of all sizes the ammunition they need to help navigate their careers,” says Dominik Sanya, Global Head of Creator Marketing. “We started with a data dashboard to give artists and their teams crucial information about how fans engage with their music, and have expanded over the years to provide a steady stream of new features and resources, dedicated to growing careers and sustaining momentum.

“We're committed to empowering artists holistically, and look forward to more developments in 2020 and beyond.”

For the record, listeners lost more sleep listening to Billie Eilish than any other artist.