

A consortium of artist rights organizations have developed a website to provide guidance and resource materials for those in need in the arts and entertainment community.

MusicCovidRelief.com was designed as a central resource to help the music community at large understand the CARES Act stimulus bill passed on Friday and how to access aid.

Among the organizations behind the website are Artist Rights Alliance, A2IM, the Music Artists Coalition, NMPA, Nashville Songwriters Association International, the Recording Academy, RIAA and Songwriters of North America.

“The music community is extremely grateful for the benefits available to them through the CARES Act,” the organizations said in a joint statement. “The aid will be most valuable if people can access it in time to meet their needs. This coalition pooled its resources to compile information to assist members of our community, understand who is eligible, and how they access relief. We will continue to update the site as more information becomes available.”