

Fundamental to how the Recording Academy works, though it hasn't been sufficiently emphasized in most coverage of Grammyland, is that the Board of Trustees runs things. A chief executive serves at the pleasure of the Board. Some might call them a shadow government, accountable to no one. Others might say that's a bit dramatic.

So, who's on the this Board? It's the four trustee officers and 40 trustees who come from the 12 individual chapters, which elect them; each chapter has at least two members on the Board. The total number of trustees from a chapter depends on its total voting members. The L.A. chapter, for example, has seven members; New York has six; and Nashville five. Trustees serve two-year terms. The four trustee officers, who govern the Board, are elected by the Board and can serve up to two consecutive two-year terms.

Now, meet your trustee officers and trustees. For more on Grammy governance, go here.


  • Harvey Mason Jr., National Chair
  • Tammy Hurt, Vice Chair
  • Terry Hemmings, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Christine Albert, Chair Emeritus

Ivan Barias Kokayi
Scott Billington Emily Lazar
Claudia Brant Jeff Levenson
Darrell Brown Lee Levin
John Burk Rico Love
Terri Lyne Carrington Jonathan McReynolds
Samantha Cox Jorge Mejia
Brian Deck David Messier
Sue Ennis Julia Michels
Trey Fanjoy Riggs Morales
George Flanigen Tim Palmer
Fletcher Foster Piper Payne
Tracy Gershon Justin Roberts
Tracy Hamlin Michael Romanowski
Lalah Hathaway Shannon Sanders
John Driskell Hopkins SassyBlack
Leslie Ann Jones Ken Shepherd
Terry Jones Matt Still
Om'Mas Keith Richard Stumpf
Mike Knobloch Paul Wall