

Crush Music's redoubtable rockers Weezer have entered the NFT space. But rather than push some obscenely priced digital doodad, the band elected to pursue a fan-focused set of goodies. An initial offering went out free to the first 1,000 respondents, whetting Weezer lovers' appetites; that batch was gone in a blink, followed by collectible tokens at $20 and $40 price points. The sale also included 12 unique "Ultra Rares," 1-of-1 “golden ticket” NFTs, redeemable for a physical keepsake from Death by Toys.

8k of these packs of "crypto-collectibles" sold out within 30 minutes. The band chose to use the relatively green Wax as its crypto platform, eschewing the brutal carbon footprint of Ethereum (also, fans could pay with plastic). Expect these limited-edition crypto crumpets to fetch some serious ducats on the secondary/trading circuit.

Meanwhile, for those of you into the truly O.G. collectibles known as albums, Weezer's Van Weezer is due on 5/7.